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6 Things to Do the Night Before You Fly

How well prepared are you the night before you fly? I’m always telling you to make sure you use a list when you pack, and I know from your emails and comments that many of you are taking heed of that advice.

How well prepared are you the night before you fly? I'm always telling you to make sure you use a list when you pack, and I know from your emails and comments that many of you are taking heed of that advice.

As much as I travel, when I make sure my list is checked off, it’s a much more pleasant drive to the airport because I’m not running through what I might have forgotten.

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Okay- truth be told, the last time I traveled I forgot to use my list, and all I could think about was what I may have left behind. I even had to pull over to make a last-minute check on my camera equipment! Yes, sometimes I forget my own advice!

6 Things to Do the Night Before You Fly

1 Check off your Packing List

If you don’t know about the list and my free packing ebook. But please, do yourself a favor and go over the list the night before you travel!

Even with a flight later in the day, take care of the list the night before so you don’t run into any snags and stress yourself out. Because who needs more stress?

2 Charge all your Devices 

The night before you fly, charge all your devices. You just never know what you’re going to run into.

If you don’t have an external battery, get one. If your phone runs out of power and you can’t find an outlet, you’ll be set. I use mine on a regular basis, especially because I use my phone for photography and social media.

If you’re out with friends, they will be so grateful you have your charger. This one is solar and has 4 outputs. It works with iPhone and Android, and it weighs about as much as a can of soup.

How well prepared are you the night before you fly? I'm always telling you to make sure you use a list when you pack, and I know from your emails and comments that many of you are taking heed of that advice.

3 Screenshot your Boarding Pass 

Have you ever said, Oh, I’ll just do that once I’m at the airport, and then you forget and you’re in line and either your phone dies, you don’t have a good signal, or the airline app goes down? (Hand raised!)

I was in line coming back from Indonesia and the line was LONG. About 25 people before it was my turn, I went to grab my boarding pass from the app, and it was down! I had to get out of line and go to a desk for help. That was a rookie mistake that will not happen again!

Do this the night before you fly. Screenshots are easy. If you don’t know how to take a screenshot, follow these directions:

For the iPhone XS Max:

  • Click the two top side buttons.
  • Your screenshot will show in the bottom left corner of your screen as well as in your photos.
How well prepared are you the night before you fly? I'm always telling you to make sure you use a list when you pack, and I know from your emails and comments that many of you are taking heed of that advice.

For Android:

  • Hold down the Power and Volume Down buttons simultaneously.
  • Your screenshot will be in your gallery.

4 Fill your Car with Gas

I can’t tell you the number of times I forgot I needed gas and was running behind when leaving for the airport. It’s been a long time since I’ve done it, but again, who needs that stress? Just make sure you have plenty of gas, including enough if there is an accident and you’re caught in traffic for an extra hour or more.

5 Be Prepared for Germs!

Be sure to pack a small hand sanitizer and hand wipes in your carry-on. Wipe down that tray at your seat right away. I read a study about hygiene on planes, and the results said the dirtiest place on the plane was the tray, even more than the bathroom!

How well prepared are you the night before you fly? I'm always telling you to make sure you use a list when you pack, and I know from your emails and comments that many of you are taking heed of that advice.

And in case you start to get the symptoms of a cold, pack your favorite Zicam® Cold Remedy product. As I’ve told you before, Zicam® Cold Remedy Products shorten the duration of a cold when taken right away. The first sign of a cold is that first sniffling, sneezing or coughing.

It is believed that people are more likely to get a cold when flying because the air is recirculated. I was on a flight not long ago where someone sounded like they were really sick. Don’t you hate that?

At the first sign of a cold, I take my Zicam Rapid Melts. In fact, though I may have a bottle in my suitcase, who knows if I’ll start to see the symptoms of a cold while I’m en route? I’ve got a bottle in my backpack, too! 

How well prepared are you the night before you fly? I'm always telling you to make sure you use a list when you pack, and I know from your emails and comments that many of you are taking heed of that advice.

The Zicam homeopathic formula is safe and effective, and my family has been taking it for years. There isn’t a product that will get rid of a cold, but if you could take a cold shortening product, why wouldn’t you? Who wants to be sick any longer than they have to?

How well prepared are you the night before you fly? I'm always telling you to make sure you use a list when you pack, and I know from your emails and comments that many of you are taking heed of that advice.

Zicam® Cold Remedy RapidMelts® comes in a mix of three great-tasting flavors: Citrus, Cherry, and Lemon-Lime with Echinacea. All three are in the same bottle, and they actually have a tasty flavor.

If you are taking other medications, please check with a pharmacist or doctor before taking Zicam® products with what you are already taking. Refer to the Zicam website to learn more about directions and dosage. 

How well prepared are you the night before you fly? I'm always telling you to make sure you use a list when you pack, and I know from your emails and comments that many of you are taking heed of that advice.

6 Hydrate

We hear this all the time, but do we do it? Try to drink those 6-8 glasses of water for the 48 hours before you fly. We really should be doing this anyway, but it’s especially important before flying.  Research says you should also drink eight ounces of water for each hour you’re in the air. Try this pineapple water if you hate drinking plain water. Don’t like pineapple? We’ve got a whole list of infused waters.

Make sure these six things are done before you drift off to sleep the night before you travel, and you will rest easier on the way to the airport. If you have other tips, please share in the comments!

Now get out there and see the world!

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Welcome! I’m Kelly!

Writer, Traveler, Lover of good Food and Wine.

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  1. The most important thing I do before a trip is to put my suitcases next to the door! (Or in my car if I am driving myself). I have my short last minute list on top for the things I use just before leaving the house; makeup, phone, charger, and electric toothbrush.

    1. Yes, Pat! I do that, too. Whatever I need to do so I don’t forget anything!! Thank you for sharing.