Frequently Asked Questions

I get a lot of the same questions over and over again, so hopefully you’ll find the answer you’re looking for here!

Want to collaborate with us on Food, Fun & Faraway Places?

Email us and let us know if you have a destination, event, or product that would be a good fit. Reminder: this site is about food, fun, and travel. Anything else is not a good fit. Thanks for understanding.

Please note, we do not provide in-kind coverage of products and only accept relevant guest posts on a very limited basis.

What is a Guest Post?

A guest post is a post in which you write about a relevant topic in order to share your website with my readers. I have enjoyed many guest post relationships over the years and welcome ideas as long as they are relevant. I read every email, but I do not have time to respond to everyone. If you don’t hear back, it’s because I don’t feel your idea is a good fit at this time. Thank you!

What is a Sponsored Post?

A sponsored post is an article written by a brand or me to promote a product or service. If you are interested in working with me on a sponsored post, please put that in the subject line. A sponsored post is not a guest post. My sponsored post rates begin at $500. Thank you!

Want to include a link and photo in an article on your site?

We love being featured! Feel free to use a photo as long as you link back to the actual post. If you’re including a link to a recipe, please do not include the recipe details. Also, please shoot us an email so we can help you promote the article. We appreciate you including us!