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A Walk Through the Walt Disney Family Museum

A trip to the Walt Disney Family Museum has to be on the list of every Disney fan.

There is nowhere in the world, not any Disney Park, where you can see the displays and see the true backstory of Walt Disney’s life like you can at the Family Museum.

Pixar's new film, Inside Out, is all about those voices inside our heads. I've got em' and I know you do, too! Inside Out will be out June 19th!
Photo Credit Walt Disney Family Museum

When I was in San Francisco a few years ago to meet Director Pete Docter, learn about the movie Inside Out, and dive deeper into the animation of the Inside Out characters, I was also able to spend some time at The Walt Disney Family Museum.

Spending a couple of hours there wasn’t enough for me, and now I can’t wait to go back and take my family on our next California road trip.

Touring the Musuem

We were able to take a tour through the museum with a guide, but you can also pick up a headset and go on a self-guided tour. I highly recommend the headset as you will learn so much.

The Early Years

We began in Walt’s Early Years, learning about his childhood and those days when he was just starting out as a starving artist.

I had no idea Disney moved from Kansas City to California when he was 21, with just $40 in his pocket!

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

Disney Brothers Studio

Working our way through the Hollywood Gallery, we learned the story about Walt starting Disney Brothers Studio with his brother Roy.

It was during this time that Walt created Mickey, the mouse who started it all. 

Walt disney museum mickey drawings
Photo Credit Walt Disney Family Museum
WDFM Hollywood

Walt Disney Studios

The New Horizons Gallery was filled with the emergence of Walt Disney Studios.

Fans of Disney will be fascinated to learn about the creation of the first three‐strip Technicolor cartoons.

This is where Walt Disney took animation to a new level.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

One of the greatest accomplishments if the Walt Disney Studio was the creation of the first full-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

There is an entire gallery dedicated to the drawings, photos, and awards from the Snow White film, including a standard size Oscar® and seven miniature castings.

snow white oscar
Photo Credit Walt Disney Family Museum

Continuing through the museum you’ll see original pieces from the early days at the Walt Disney Studio in Burbank, like multiplane camera cranes, an animator’s desk and rare production art.

It was during this time that Walt Disney Studios produced Bambi,  Pinocchio, and Fantasia.

All through the museum, you’ll see photos like this one, where Walt was celebrating a birthday with his family.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

Walt’s Love of Miniatures

It really is like peeking inside the life of Walt Disney. After seeing the famous Thorne exhibit of miniatures at the Golden Gate International Exposition in San Francisco, Walt became fascinated with them, collecting and constructing the small pieces.

You’ll see his fabulous collection of miniatures that were just added in the past few years. It’s said that some of the miniatures led to bigger things, like rides at the Disney parks.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

Interactive Exhibits

Your younger kids will love the museum, too, as they will find interactive exhibits along the way.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

And everyone will love Lilly Belle, the scale model locomotive Walt helped build and install. It ran on a halfmile track around his home, and is now housed in the museum.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

A Tribute to Walt Disney

The final gallery you pass through is a tribute to Walt Disney. Walter Elias Disney died on December 15, 1966, at just 65 years old.

It is said that even up until he was close to death, he had a projector screening film on the ceiling so he could continue to create. You can’t help but cry as you read some of the beautiful condolence letters sent after his death.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

Look at the tears from a few our favorite characters.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

Walt’s Vision

If you saw the movie Tomorrowland, you may know it’s based on Walt’s vision for a utopia just like you saw in the film.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

If you’ve been on the Carousel of Progress, at both Disney parks, you know Walt Disney also had a fascination with what tomorrow would bring.

I just rode Carousel of Progress again when I was at the park for the Monkey Kingdom Event, and each time I discover something I hadn’t seen before. I think that’s just the way Walt wanted it.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

Walt Disney was always intrigued with transportation, and gave his firstborn grandson Chris this Autopia Car. It was kept at the studio, and on the weekends the kids would drive it all over the back lot.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

If you didn’t see Tomorrowland, check out the trailer and be sure to watch the whole movie.

Be sure to check out the calendar of events before you go as the Walt Disney Family Museum has a lot of special events.

The Museum has a lot of educational resources, too. Every Saturday and Sunday you’ll find open studios, including a special class just for little ones!

The Walt Disney Family Museum is a must for Disney fans! You'll see the history of Walt Disney and his creations like never before. Put this on your list of things to do when in San Francisco!

By the way, if you’re hungry while at the museum, the cafe is fabulous! Make sure you get dessert!

The Walt Disney Family Museum is located at 104 Montgomery Strett in San Francisco, California. Hours are 10 am to 5 pm Thursday through Sunday. You can call them at (415) 345-6800, or visit their website at Walt Disney Family Museum.

How big is the Walt Disney Family Musuem?

The museum is about 40,000 square feet.How long does it take to tour the museum?

I had a couple of hours and could have stayed longer. There is so much to see so for a real Disney fan, allow yourself at least 3 hours. The cafe is fabulous so plan to have lunch in between your explorations.Is the Walt Disney Family Museum Free?

The museum is not free and must be purchased in advance. See the website to reserve your tickets.

I’d love to read your thoughts about the museum or other places to visit for Disney fans! Share your favorite Disney destination!

For an over-the-top place to stay, pay a visit to the Clement Palo Alto Hotel.

I was invited to visit The Walt Disney Family Museum as part of an all-expense paid press trip with Disney. All opinions are my own.

Meet the author

Welcome! I’m Kelly!

Writer, Traveler, Lover of good Food and Wine.

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  1. hi, i had no idea there was a ‘walt disney family museum’ in san francisco. if i ever get there, i will plan a day for this adventure….love, love, love ‘carousel of progress’!